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Welcome to the show!
In this demo, you will use testnet SUAVE to buy block extra data on Testnet Ethereum.
What does this app demonstrate?
This app demonstrates building Holesky blocks using Confidential Requests.In this case, Holesky blocks are built using custom extra data based on an auction that takes place in SUAVE.
How does the auction work?
Sealed bids are collected by the SUAPP. Bids consist of an amount, message and expiry. Each block, the winning bid is selected and attempted for inclusion in a block. The block is submitted to Holesky for inclusion.
How much should I bid?
In order to win, your bid has to be competive with the latest payloads delivered by Flashbots Holesky Relay.
Before you start, there are a few prequisites.
You need:
1. Wallet capable of eth_sign, either:
- - Burner wallet provided in the app, or
- - Metamask with advanced settings:
Open your Metamask app. Go to settings advanced and scroll to the bottom to activate the toggle byEth_sign requests
2. Holesky ETH: holeskyETH Faucet
3. Suave toliman ETH: tolimanETH Faucet
Once you have these items, you can Bid on a Block to add your message to the timeline.
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Welcome to the show!
This app demonstrates building blocks using Confidential Requests. You will use SUAVE to buy block extra data. Connect your wallet and follow the steps. Find out more in the help section.
How the auction works?
Bids are active for 100 blocks and each block, the winning bid is selected and attempted for inclusion in a block. Only some blocks are available for data inclusion.
How much should I bid?
In order to win, your bid has to be competive with the latest payloads delivered by Flashbots Holesky Relay.